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Book Review: Ghostly Encounters
by Theresa's Haunted History 
Whenever I get the chance to attend a paranormal conference or event, or even just visit another state, I always try to find a few new books for my paranormal library. This past weekend, I attended ScareFest in Lexington, Kentucky and happened across the booth of C-Bus Paranormal, an investigation team out of Columbus, Ohio. I was initially drawn in when some information on the team's volunteer and fundraising efforts for Prospect Place caught my eye. I had the opportunity to investigate Prospect Place way back in 2007 and have always had an affinity for the history, culture, and of course, the paranormal activity of the location....


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Book Review: Ghostly Encounters
by Paul Dale Roberts

For amateur ghost hunters that have no clue on how to ghost hunt, I truly recommend this book. It’s a fascinating read as the authors tell you about some of their experiences as a ghost hunter; with some comical mentions; as when you read about the Mentor Municipal Cemetery investigation. An amateur ghost hunter can use this book as their Bible for investigating. The authors explain the classifications of EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon). .....


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05.21.22 & 05.22.22 : Parapsycon III

Johnathon Robson appearance
Ohio State Reformatory
100 Reformatory Road, Mansfield Ohio 44905
Saturday May 21: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

         Sunday  May 22: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM



© 2015 by Jeff Cole & Johnathon Robson

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